Here is some helpful info you may want based on frequently asked questions.

Our hours on GOOGLE MAPS are up to date by the day so please check there or call before giving us a visit to pick up work. Please know that the tech on duty has a 30 minute break daily and so its always a good idea to call ahead. Please note that class hours are not reflected on google so if you have an appointment outside of business hours, your teacher will be there to receive you even on national holidays.

Is my Piece ready for Pick up?
Because Pottery NYC works with several third party companies we do not send out pick up reminders. It is the responsibility of the student to set a reminder that their work will be ready for pick up one week after the date of their class. The works are kept for a 14-day grace period for pick up. Works “expire” three weeks after the meeting date of your class.

Class info
We recommend that students tie long hair back, trim their nails, and wear clothes and shoes that they do not mind getting messy. All classes include the firing of one work made during the session which will be ready to be picked up one week after the date of your class. Works are labeled, fired, and glazed for you.